Monday, January 26, 2015

Venturing into Entrepreneurship (Nicole)

Another year to give God thanks! I am so encouraged, this year 2015, for some reason I've had such a desire to get things right. I've been concentrating more on my nutrition, personal fitness, spiritual condition and business dreams. With the support of my husband, I've been able to get up early in the morning every day and take a 30 minute walk on the treadmill at my property. My wonderful husband has been the first to wake and prepare breakfast for the kids, giving me time for myself. While I'm walking, I've been able to spend some quiet time with the Lord, and that has been the difference in how I approach the day. I'm more energized, more joyful, and more encouraged. Now that my bestie is home we bring our girls together who are "4" years old and do home school together. The kids are learning so much, every day Justice asks me if Ramiyah is coming over today!.

As far as business goes, Alouse and I are working on starting a tutoring business together, we've been going back and forth for the past few months on what we wanted to do, and finally we've settled on reading tutoring, this whole process is so new. It's a big challenge, but with God all things are possible. I'm expanding my mind, opening my heart and reaching greater things. Lord I give everything to you and trust that I'm safe in your arms.

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